Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hi Look at this you wont regret this

Saturday, August 16, 2008

still have a fever

my fever is just not going away. i still have a fever every day. i went to the emergency on thurs night coz the fever was so high but the er was so busy and i would get a room very late so i came back home and took med. i was just to tired to wait that long so i had to come home. the fever never goes below 99. i have an appointment on mon and will get my blood work done.
i still feel very tired. before i went for small walks but now im just to tired to  go. i spent most of the day in my room.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

had to go to hospital

i came home on sat and in the evening i again had a fever. i was hoping that the fever would go away but it didnt go away so i again had to go the hospital on sunday.
again the doc did all the blood tests and x-rays. and again they could not find any cause for the fever. well as soon as i got in the hospital the fever came down. now im back home as the fever was ok. i hope the fever will stay down this time.
im still feeling alot of weakness and get tired fast.
tomarrow i have an appointment with the doc and will also hhave to get my blood tests done.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

not feeling better

the last few days have been very tough. due to strong chemo that they gave me i again had a fever. i was in the the hospital for about 4 days and i came home today.
i still dont feel well and im tired all the time. even if i walk or even keep sitting for a while i get tired. so most of the time now i just stay in my room. due to chemo i have lost my appeitite. i feel nausea when i start eating.
this chemo is very strong and it is making me weak. i just pray that it will also make the cancer cells weak.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

tired and very sleepy

got my blood checked on mon and my platelet count was low so i had to get a platelet transfusion.
this time the chemo that i got was very strong. since the chemo was so strong it has made we weak. i get tired very easily. i also get dizzy alot. it could be do to the med or due to the weakness that the chemo has caused.
i now spend most of the day taking naps. i get tired very fast so have to take a nap after a little while.

Monday, July 28, 2008

4th chemo done

i had a doc appointment on wed. he said that i would again have to get chemo. so for the past 1 week i was in the hospital getting my chemo. the chemo didnt work much so this time the chemo was a mixture of 3 different types of drugs.


during the chemo treatment 1 of the chemo drugs gave me high fever of 105 degree so they gave me alot of steroids to keep the temp down. at first i thought the fever was do to some infection and everyone got scared but then the doc said it was probably due to chemo.

now im at home and will go to the hospital on wed for my blood tests.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

blasting did not decrease. . . . .

i had my bone marrow aspiration done on friday and the result was on wed. we were excited that hopefully this time the blasting(cancer cells) would have decreased a lot. but on wed when we went to see the doc we found out that the result was not good.

the blasting had not decreased even a little bit since the last chemo.


last time the blasting was 68% and now the blasting was 75%. my cancer cells had not decreased but they had increased even more.


next wed i have another appointment with the doc and then they will tell what they plan to do next.